Taipei Salsa Events list in November

Salsa, Bachata…Events in Taipei, Taiwan.
Last Update: 11/27 (edited by Roger Lu)
…will keep updating this post until the end of the month…
<<Taipei Salsa Events in November>>
◼️️️11/1 (Thu) ~11/4 (Sun) Bachata Loca Dance Camp
— 11/1 (Thu) Bachata Loca (Pre-Party) @TLDA
— 11/3 (Sat) Bachata Loca @TLDA
◼️️️11/2~4 Ofir & Ofri Bachata Weekend
◼️️️11/2 (Fri) 11/2 【DJ Oh Yeah】Salsa Friday by Copa Taiwan
◼️️️11/3 (Sat) La Salsa Social 樂騷莎舞會 Taxi Dancer之夜
◼️️️11/3 (Sat) 2018/11/03(Sat) Salsa Bachata Party @ Tainan City
◼️️️11/9 (Fri) Salsa Friday by Copa Taiwan
◼️️️11/10 (Sat) Pizza Salsa Bar 試吃+舞會邀請 @ Hsinchu City
◼️️️11/10 (Sat) 11/10 (週六) 十一月份虎豹周末派重量出擊!
◼️️️11/10 (Sat) 新竹風Salsa Party
◼️️️11/10 (Sat) 木更裡的瀟灑派對 @ Chiayi City
◼️️️11/10~11 /13 Yann & Marta’s Workshop in Taipei (Kizomba/Bachata)
◼️️️11/11 (Sun) Sunday Social by Bailalo
◼️️️11/11 (Sun) TW Latin Group / Latino Salsa Party Night
◼️️️11/15 (Thu) ThanksGiving Salsa Party 2018 感恩節騷莎派對
◼️️️11/16 (Fri) 【老闆不在家】Sensual Night by Copa Taiwan
◼️️️11/17 (Sat) Bachata Rosa -粉紅巴恰達11月派對
◼️️️11/17 (Sat) 星星知我心-女神星座趴(處女座/天枰座)
◼️️️11/17 (Sat) 11/17(Sat) Salud ★ Beautiful Life SALSA party !
◼️️️11/17 (Sat) Salsa Party @ Kaohsiung City
◼️️️11/18 (Sun) 11月舞聚
◼️️️11/18 (Sun) § ZOUK abraça § 11/18 週日 Sensual舞會
◼️️️11/18 (Sun) 11/18 Kizomba Party@TLDA
◼️️️11/21 (Wed) Outdoor Party with Yann in Bravo Cafe Nangang MRT
◼️️️11/23 (Fri) 新竹風Salsa Party
◼️️️11/23~11/25 Tania & Charlie in Taipei by Copa Taiwan
◼️️️11/24 (Sat) Carnaval 高雄拉丁加勒比海嘉年華 @ Kaohsiung City
◼️️️11/24 (Sat) 拉丁嘉年華續攤派對 Carnaval Afterparty @ Kaohsiung City
◼️️️11/30 (Fri) Copa Taiwan Salsa九週年慶【年度大抽獎】
Coming Soon 活動預告 ~ Taipei Salsa Events
◼️️️12/1 (Sat) 星星知我心-女神星座趴 SALSA NIGHT (射手座)
◼️️️12/1 (Sat) 家裡沒大人之黑色星期六Salsa Party
◼️️️12/2 (Sun) 在圓山花博Maji廣場跳Salsa
◼️️️12/2 (Sun) 众樂Lab跳Salsa/Bachata認識外國朋友玩桌遊
◼️️️12/7 (Fri) Salsa Party by Copa Taiwan
◼️️️12/8 (Sat) Bachata Rosa — 粉紅巴恰達12月派對
◼️️️12/8~9 Mathilde & Alex in Taiwan
-12/9(Sun) Sunday Social @ Tanguísimo 探戈藝文沙龍
◼️️️12/15 (Sat) ¡Salud 5th Anniversary!
◼️️️12/15 (Sat) Xmas Salsa Party @ Kaohsiung City
◼️️️12/18~12/25 Saeko in Taiwan by Copa Taiwan
◼️️️12/22 (Sat) La Salsa 耶誕派對 JUST DANCE 明星大亂鬥 @蘭空咖啡◼️️️12/29 (Sat) The Last Dance 2018- Mitch X Musa 拉丁騷莎音樂舞會
◼️2019️️/1/3 ~ 1/6 3rd~6th January, Micka&Emi Bachata Weekend
◼️2019️️/2/23 Carnaval Taipei 2019 台北拉丁加勒比海嘉年華
◼️2019️️/4/12 ~ 4/14 Formosa Salsa Festival 2019
◼️2019️️/8/9 Beach & BBQ Salsa Party by Copa Taiwan
◼️2019️️/10/17 ~ 10/20 Taiwan Salsa Carnival 2019
Regular Parties 定期聚會 ~ Taipei Salsa Events
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(1)>The Brass Monkey Fuxing
((Every Tuesday))
(Tue) 21:30–00:30 Salsa Night
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(2)>Salud Salsa Party — Taipei Salsa Club Bar
((Weekly Party)) more information…
(Wed) 20:30–00:00 Bachata Night
(Thu) 20:30–00:00 Thursday Salsa
(Fri) 20:30–00:00 Sensual Friday
(Sat) 20:30–00:00 Saturday Salsa
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(3)>Friday Night Outdoor Social @ Taichung City
— Taichung [Salsa l Bachata l Kizomba]
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Overseas Activities 海外活動
1. 2018/11/16~11/18 Hanoi, Vietnam 🌎🎇
◼️11/16 【VLX — Vietnam Latin Xperience 2018】 with Copa Taiwan
2. 2018/11/30~12/2 Shanghai, China 🌎🎇
◼️和Vivi 勇闖Shanghai Bachata Festival
3. 2019/2/21~2/25 Boracay, Philippines 🌎🎇
◼️『Go to Boracay Latin Dance Festival』with Copa Taiwan
4. 2019/2/28~3/3 Seoul, Korea 🌎🎇
◼️2/28連假,首爾Havana Salsa Club with Copa Taiwan
5. 2019/3/1~3/4 Milan, Italy 🌎🎇
◼️Let’s join Bachataday 2019 together (Milan, Italy)!
6. 2019/4/5~4/7 Tokyo, Japan 🌎🎇
◼️Let’s GO Tokyo “Japan Kizomba Festival 2019” !
7. 2019/4/12 ~ 4/14 HangZhou, China 🌎🎇
◼️Mamboland Hang Zhou with Copa Taiwan
8. 2019/4/19~4/22 Seoul, Korea 🌎🎇
◼️前進韓國!Go to 2019 Korea Kizomba Festival
9. 2019/6/6~6/9 Bangkok, Thailand 🌎🎇
◼️【COLADA-台灣80人團】with Copa Taiwan
10. 2019/8/22~8/25 Singapore🌎🎇
◼️揪團 Go to SLE “超強陣容” with Copa Taiwan Salsa
Locations from Google map 地點搜尋
◻️️️️️️Bailalo Dance Studio
️◻️️Hola — Hola Bar
️◻️️La Salsa Taipei 台北樂騷莎
️◻️️Salud Salsa Party — Taipei salsa club bar
️◻️️Tanguísimo 探戈藝文沙龍 (after 22:00 pls enter from the back door)
◻️TAV Cafe藝術村餐坊️️
️◻️️The Brass Monkey Fuxing
◻️️TLDA — salsa/bachata/kizomba dance studio
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